Olympiad IIO Previous Year Question Paper Class 3
- Publisher : Silver Zone
- Author: Silver Zone
- Availability: In Stock
- Normally Deliver within 3-4 days
- Rs.295
Rs.287 Upto 3% off

Description :
Silverzone Foundation has made a major contribution to enhance the student’s growth academically by conducting Olympiads on National/International level. These Olympiads serve as a boon for participants as these help in developing their confidence level to a great extent. The result of the exam does not indicate pass or fail for the participants so the fear of losing or failing in a particular exam does not bother the children and they give the exam without stress. This adds to encouragement of the children to participate in various competitive examinations as by studying Previous Year papers, their morale is boosted.
Tags: Olympiad, Class3, SilverZone, OlympiadClass3
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